Monday, December 1, 2008

Lessons on friendship from 8 year old girls

note: this message may apply to estrogen only...

"I don't want to be her friend!" "Well, I don't like you either!" 3..2...1.. TEARS!

This is a familiar refrain at Freedom. Two girls, Shannon and Vicki, are the ringleaders of the girls. Every single female under
the age of 10 MUST do their will. When they're friends, everyone's happy. But when they're fighting with each other, well, I need to do some quick damage control.

Things got waaayyy out of hand one day when I happened upon Vicki crying because Shannon said she was going to beat her up and get her kicked out of their "secret" club. Which one bothered Vicki more, I wondered. Clearly, it was being forced out of her own club. So, being the wise, Spirit led missionary that I am, I brought both girls to the office and asked if they wanted to be friends. Good idea? NO! Shannon didn't, Vicki did. What to do now...

As I sat in my office, watching the girls write letters saying how they can be "respectful" without being friends, I realized that the majority of women never move past the 8 year old stage. We find ways to be nice about it, but when it comes down to it, we want to be in the club. The confusion comes in when we think we're Shannon, and discover we're really Vicki. We think we're the one making the decision about whose in and whose out - only to find ourselves staring at a closed door.

So what do we do then? The door's closed, the pain of losing a friend is there, and we're all cried out? Let's see what the girls came up with:
  • share toys when the other person needs it
  • don't steal snack from the other person
  • let the other person play a game (even if you make them lose)
  • don't laugh at the other person behind their back (only in front of them when they're laughing too)
Simplistic? Maybe...but how wonderful the world would be if we went back to the basics. Oh and Shannon and Vicki: best friends again.

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